For interviews in groups of four

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. How do you think this course applies to your major?
  4. What are your goals for this course?
  5. What is your class standing (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)?
  6. What is your major?
  7. What is your hometown?
  8. What is the farthest from Pacific that you were over summer break (in miles)?
  9. What is one interesting fact about you?
  10. How old is Chester (in years)?


Slides link

Syllabus Review

  • What are the five most important things to you as you review the syllabus in groups?

  • What concerns do you have?

RStudio Server

Course Textbook

Supplementary Material



Wednesday plans

  • Discuss PS1
  • Log-in to RStudio Server
    • Share an RStudio Project with me
    • Install some R packages
  • Walk through more of the Getting Used to R book together
  • Introduce the use of Plickers