County Characteristics Datasets

Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin

  • Downloaded from here via All States (CSV)

  • Codebook is available here

  • This dataset is messy. I've tidied it and focused on only Total Population and Black or African American alone.

# Remember to load the needed packages

Problem set-up

  • On Exam 2, I asked you to think about using bootstrapping to provide an estimate for the range of possible values for the mean percentage of black residents in ALL US counties.

Comparing mean percentages in two states

  • Suppose we were interested in testing the mean percentage of black residents in two different states. Let's choose Oregon and Washington.

  • Washington has 39 counties and Oregon has 36.

  • Assume we only have access to 20 randomly selected counties from each state.

wash_or <- read_csv("/shared/")

Problem set-up

Do we have evidence that the mean percentage of black residents in Washington and Oregon is statistically different?

  • \(H_A: \mu_{wa} \ne \mu_{or}\) or \(H_A: \mu_{wa} - \mu_{or} \ne 0\)

What is the null hypothesis?

  • \(H_0: \mu_{wa} = \mu_{or}\) or \(H_0: \mu_{wa} - \mu_{or} = 0\)

What does this mean?

  • We are assuming that the mean percentage of black residents in Washington and Oregon is THE SAME.

  • We will use hypothesis testing to look to see if we have evidence to go against this assumption.

The layout of all hypothesis tests

For our problem

What is the observational unit?

  • Counties in Washington and Oregon


  • We have collected our sample of 20 Washington counties and 20 Oregon counties


  • We are interested in the difference in sample means.


(state_means <- wash_or %>% group_by(state) %>% 
  summarize(mean_perc = mean(black_perc)))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##        state mean_perc
##        <chr>     <dbl>
## 1     Oregon 0.8817059
## 2 Washington 1.7922830
(obs_diff <- diff(state_means$mean_perc))
## [1] 0.9105771
  • From our original (observed) sample, we have

\[\verb+obs_diff+ = \bar{x}_{wa} - \bar{x}_{or} = 0.9105771\]

MODEL OF \(H_0\)

We assume that the two POPULATION mean percentages are the same:

\(H_0: \mu_{wa} = \mu_{or}\) or \(H_0: \mu_{wa} - \mu_{or} = 0\)


We want to use the data we have collected to simulate a process following the model for \(H_0\).

This is similar to bootstrapping except in this case we have two groups instead of just one.

BIG STEP: Assuming that \(H_0: \mu_{wa} = \mu_{or}\), any one of the percentages we saw in our sample data could have occurred (equally) in either Washington or in Oregon.

We can use the shuffle function in the mosaic package to shuffle the percentages between Oregon and Washington.

One shuffle

(shuffled_state_means <- wash_or %>%
     mutate(state = shuffle(state)) %>% 
     group_by(state) %>%
     summarize(mean_shuf_perc = mean(black_perc)))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##        state mean_shuf_perc
##        <chr>          <dbl>
## 1     Oregon       1.174869
## 2 Washington       1.499120
(obs_shuf_diff <- diff(shuffled_state_means$mean_shuf_perc))
## [1] 0.3242503


  • Repeat this shuffling many times and then look at the distribution of all the resulting simulated test statistics
many_shuffles <- do(10000) *
  (shuffled_state_means <- wash_or %>%
     mutate(state = shuffle(state)) %>% 
     group_by(state) %>%
     summarize(mean_shuf_perc = mean(black_perc)))
rand_distn <- many_shuffles %>% 
  group_by(.index) %>% 
  summarize(diffmean = diff(mean_shuf_perc))


rand_distn %>% ggplot(aes(x = diffmean)) +
  geom_histogram(color = "white", bins = 20)

Where will the center of this distribution always be?

  • 0 (We assumed the means were the same & used that process to build the distribution).

View the \(p\)-value

We want to see where our observed effect (the original different in sample means) falls on our NULL DISTRIBUTION.

  • Note that we check for both directions here since we had a two-sided \(H_A\).
rand_distn %>% ggplot(aes(x = diffmean,
                      fill = (abs(diffmean) >= obs_diff))) +
  geom_histogram(color = "white", bins = 20)

View the \(p\)-value

rand_distn %>% ggplot(aes(x = diffmean)) +
  geom_histogram(color = "white", bins = 20) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = obs_diff, color = "red") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = -obs_diff, color = "red")

Calculate the \(p\)-value

rand_distn %>%
  filter(abs(diffmean) >= obs_diff) %>%
  nrow() / nrow(rand_distn)
## [1] 0.0439

So there is around a 4% chance we could have seen results such as this if the true population mean percentages were the same. What does that mean?

Significance level

The "beyond a reasonable doubt" in statistics corresponds to setting the \(\alpha\) value before you conduct your test. Most often this is set to 5%.

So with our test, since 0.0439 < 0.05, we reject \(H_0\) in favor of \(H_A\). We have evidence to support the claim that the mean percentages of black residents per county are different for Washington and Oregon.

All data

  • The 2015 data for ALL counties is available via:
cc_full <- read_csv("/shared/")

Practice: Determine what the actual difference is in mean percentage of black residents for ALL Washington and Oregon counties. Is the difference practically large?

To do for next time

  • Read Chapter 8 of MODERN DIVE
    • Focus on identifying the important concepts and pieces of code as you read.
  • Review the Learning Checks of Chapter 7 of MODERN DIVE
  • The Final Project assignment is here
    • Your final project partners have been assigned here
    • Project Proposal is due by 2 PM next Monday (November 21)