Slides and Class Content - Week 5
Week 5
Covered content
- Go over examples of tidy data and the Grammar of Graphics
- Time in class to ask questions about/work on Lab 3
To do for next time
- Complete PS8 by 10 AM on Monday, October 3
- Work through as many of the practice problems for Quiz #2 here as you can
- No lab due on Tuesday next week
Covered content
- Go over responses to PS6 and course evaluation
- Practice making plots in R
- Go over examples of tidy data and the Grammar of Graphics
- Time in class to ask questions about/work on Lab 3
To do for next time
- Complete Lab 3 by 3 PM tomorrow
- Email me with whose lab to grade with a link to their project
- Read Sections 4.7 and 4.8 of MODERN DIVE textbook
- Complete PS7 (Practice Quiz for Quiz #2) by 10 AM on Wednesday
Getting PS7
Run the following in the R console where EMAIL
is your Pacific University email (mine is
) and LastnameFirstname
is the name of the project you created (mine is IsmayChester
``` file.copy(from = “/shared/”, to = “/home/EMAIL/LastnameFirstname/”)